Sunday, 10 June 2007

Roncesvalles - ready to go

Just a quick note; we had a nice flight to Madrid, a perfect drive to Pamplona, and a friendly taxi ride to Roncesvalles (we drove along the road that we have to take tomorrow and realised that this really is a hilly environment). We are now sitting in the Hostel La Posada in Roncesvalles. On arrival we were more than happy to find that our 3 bicycles had been delivered as requested (Didier of Bikeiberia lived up to our expectations) and that we had a room reserved (thanks Cristina). Tomorrow we will put the pannier bags on the bikes and cycle to Pamplona.
The weather does not look very promising. We had thunderstorms on our way here and as we write it is raining outside.
Roncesvalles is full of pilgrims, some of them looking fresh (such as us), others really suffer from the walk they had to make over the mountains in order to get from St Jean Pied de Port to Roncevalles (1.200 meter of climbing), we are glad we decided to start our trip from here (and not from France).
A last comment: everyone speaks Spanish here; very fluently.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please chech the exact number of kilometers. a difference of 60 km is arriving too far !