Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Day 8 - Bercianos to Hospital de Obrigo

Today we planned a long day and more importantly an earlier start; something we do not seem to manage that easily; preparing luggage (dry clothes), breakfast, preparing bicycle hick-ups etc. does mean that we always head off later than planned.
Today we did it. At 9h45 we were on the bikes after a nice tortilla and bacon sandwich (and a coffee - normal size - the one they call here 'americanos').
As the previous day, most of the track followed a busy regional road. Walkers use the path next to the road, we opted again for the road itself. Because we can go a bit faster that way, we do not disturb the walkers, and most importantly because the rain of the past days made the gravel walking path difficult to cycle. It is not so much the pools of water on the camino that bother us, but the wet sandy surface that makes it so hard to keep going. Cycling on the asphalt is so much easier (though definitely more boring).
At around lunch time we arrived in Leon, our last big city before Santiago. Beautiful city centre. We decided not to stop for the night but to push further on. An additional 35 kilometers in the afternoon brought us to Hospital de Orbigo, a beautiful village with an imposing bridge. We are staying at the local refugio, the cosiest/most atmospheric place we´ve stayed at until now. Nice garden in the back of the house, intenal courtyard. Really nice. 4 Euros per person: quality has its price.
Early night (22h00 lights out). Tomorrow we start climbing again (we go from 800 metres to 1500 metres - where is that extra pullover?).
Day 8: 80 kilometres, 4.5 hours of cycling, no rain/acceptable head wind, no technical problems with the bikes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice... but you forgot the pics...